Husky Rescue Car Wash
Details of Jet’s surgery:
On 09/06/2016, Jet underwent arthroscopic surgery for 2 OCD lesions in his left shoulder. OCD is a lesion caused by inadequate cartilage formation within the joints, resulting in cartilage flaps, unviable (dead) subchondral bone and occasionally joint mice/ osteophytes (a piece of cartilage which has broken off into the joint space). This disease is most frequently found in the shoulder joint of fast growing dog breeds; resulting in pain, lameness and dejenerative joint disease (DJD).
Jet’s surgery involved removal of 2 OCD Lesions, removal of any loose bits of cartilage as well as scraping away and removal of unviable subchondral bone. The healing process after surgery results in replacement of the defects (holes) with fibrocartilage.
Jet now has 2 weeks of cage rest with 5 minute leash walks 3 – 4 times a day and then 4 weeks of room rest in an empty room with non-slip flooring with 10 minute leash walks 3 – 4 times a day.
Unfortunately, the Doctors discovered bone fragments and elbow dysplasia in both elbows while doing scans to diagnose Jet’s lameness and he will very likely have to undergo further surgery to remove these bone chips, when his shoulder has healed.